The dual loop of needs and outcomes

The relationship among teams is a continuous dual loop of needs and outcomes, the basic links bettween the workflows of a value stream.

The dual loop: the need for a product or service requires a value outcome, which in order to be delivered needs clarification by the value requestor.

Client needs are understood by the delivery team in order to provide a value product or service, and in doing so the delivery team’s needs for outcome clarification must be addressed by the client through continuous feedback and clarification.

This relationship happens as well between the delivery team and the product team: delivery team needs for clarity must be understod by product teams when creating a PBL, and product needs must be clear to the delivery team in order to build and deliver quality.

In order for the product team to deliver a quality PBL it needs to work on sound viable initiatives that are the value outcome of the portfolio team. The protfolio team in return needs guidance and feedback on what’s “doable”, and have the capacity to produce in order to grant the apropriate funding while keeping sight of the poltential risks.

… and so on among all teams responsible for the different workflows within a value stream.

Author: Mario Aiello

Business agility believer, lean thinker, agile coach, scrum master, former rugby player, and wishful golfer.